Saturday, June 6, 2009

They were here!

Mak, ayah and mak su were here, in Malacca!.

I almost burst into tears when i salam and hugged them.

How I wish I don't have to let go the hugs..

It's so whelming.

*oh! now my eyes are watering. Geez..*

I feel sorry for ayah and mak.

They looked so weary.

It is because of their age by the way, not because of the driving.

I received a message from mak su after they left, TOMORROW NEVER DIES!.

hehe. cute lil sis. the sms meant a lot to me. It's how she lifts up my spirit. Thanks sis.

Dear Allah Al-Aziz the Mighty, to You Al-Gafar the Forgiver, I pray and I ask for a forgiveness. Please dear Allah Al-Hafiz the Preserver, keep my family safe and away from harm. Bless them and light up their path to You Al-Mushi, the Protector. Amin.

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