It is not only about July..
I think throughout of 23 years of living until at this very moment..
I do feel great of myself..
And I am grateful! Alhamdulillah
People always say that life is suck..
To me, so what? That is your life. You, yourself choose what kind of life you live in.
My life is wonderful and colorful because of I'm grateful to have all the wonderful people around me.
I find a lot of people feel jealous with me.
Why should you feel jealous with me?
You shouldn't, you know.
I come from very broken family but yet their are people who I cannot live without.
I am not wealthy like some of you guys who can afford to have anything you like.
I am not healthy as most of you guys thought that I am.
I am not happy all the time as most of you guys seen.
I don't really have people all around me all the time.
That is why I teach myself not to be jealous wit
That is why most of you guys fall in to my illusionary.
To say it is fake? No it is not.
Because that is how wonderful my life is.
To me, whatever trouble and problem, that are what the crayon and water color of life.
Whatever the happiness and laugh, that are the color pencil and magic color of lfe.
And whatever the luck and miracle happen, that are the paint and Adobe Photoshop of life.
Therefore, use our own creativity to frame of picture of life.
Ok. That is very long of crap.
What I was about to say is, this July is the most memorable July in my life :)
and I'm flying high! yeah yeah!
p/s : Percentage of my iman is dropping down. Sigh!