Wednesday, July 21, 2010

23 year-old promises!

This is my mission list for new 23year-old starting from 22nd July 2010 (9 Sha'aban 1431)

  1. No more buying new clothes till end of 2010
  2. No more spending more than RM 300 per month for own satisfaction.
  3. Manage own income properly. GET AN ACCOUNT BOOK!
  4. Pray 5 times in a day ON TIME. NO DELAY!
  5. Fasting every Thursday.
  6. Sleep before 12am and no more sleeping after Subuh.
  7. Jog/ Swimming / Gym every morning on Sunday, Evening on Wednesday and Friday at least 15minutes.
  8. Read Al -Quran every Zohor.
  9. Learn to improve English everyday by reading, speaking and writing.
  10. Read a book in a week and learn new 2 words in a day.
  11. Cut down ALL OUTDOORS activities. Make it limited.
  12. Have a "List To DO". GET AN ORGANIZER
  13. Make a life schedule.
  14. Learn how to cook at least once a week!
  15. Learn how to sew!
  16. Keep in touch with each of wonderful people.
  17. Be more loving and caring person
  18. Be more patience. NO MORE SCREAMING & LOUD VOICE.
  20. Spend not more than 2 hours on Facebook.
  21. Get a job that I really like and really want to do by October.
  22. Keep myself neat and presentable.
  23. Get to know myself!

I hope I can always keep all these in mind.. Insya Allah..yeah!!

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