Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mountain smiled at me

A mountain smiled at me
As I went passing by
Deep in carpets of purple sage it stood
With a twinkle in its eye.

Serene, it surveyed a vast domain
Of meadows, spacious green, of crystal ponds
And waving fronds
Of lush grasses on the plain.

Then it gaily waved to the distant hills
And then waved back again
With cheery greetings in the golden sun
Fresh washed in the recent rain.

Then all around God's handiwork
As far as the eye could see
With voices strong sang a delightful song
Which was shared with me.

My grateful heart echoed back
As I journeyed on my way
"How good it is to be alive
And, oh! What a beautiful day!"

1 comment:

  1. che ma..angah x leh nk add che ma nyer blog...
    sila add emel angah yer....
