Saturday, January 22, 2011

Post. Title.


Not about writings.


For these few years back, I always try to keep myself low.
But somehow or rather, people always nominate me..

I really have no idea what did they see in me?
Because on my observation, there are more people hate me rather than like me.
Well, I have no idea why they don't like me and I don't mind at all cause I cannot force people to like me since till now non has dare to face me to tell the reason why they don't like me.
* I wish someone can face me so that I can change to be somebody better*

But, since if they hate me, why nominate me?
So that I'll be burden and suffer on it?
Cannot be...
because they always know that I always give out the best and I always got the co-operation. heran!

Then what?? Arrrghhh!
Can't help it!

I thought when I leave my uni life, I'll be nobody like everybody but a somebody.
But it doesn't happen.
At work, I'm given a trust to be a "Police Woman" and today...
I'm give a post as Vice-President by TP Girls School Alumni.
So now, I'm somebody like nobody but a everybody.
hate it!

Can't I just seat back and relax, have a good weekend with family and friends rather than busy with events? Erghh!

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