Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wonderful People

Each single person who I know...
Each single person who know me...
Are very wonderful to me.

No matter what bad things they have said and done to me, those people are still wonderful because I learn a lot of things from each single person I know and i treasure it.

Thank you for all the colors in my life. =)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

23 year-old promises!

This is my mission list for new 23year-old starting from 22nd July 2010 (9 Sha'aban 1431)

  1. No more buying new clothes till end of 2010
  2. No more spending more than RM 300 per month for own satisfaction.
  3. Manage own income properly. GET AN ACCOUNT BOOK!
  4. Pray 5 times in a day ON TIME. NO DELAY!
  5. Fasting every Thursday.
  6. Sleep before 12am and no more sleeping after Subuh.
  7. Jog/ Swimming / Gym every morning on Sunday, Evening on Wednesday and Friday at least 15minutes.
  8. Read Al -Quran every Zohor.
  9. Learn to improve English everyday by reading, speaking and writing.
  10. Read a book in a week and learn new 2 words in a day.
  11. Cut down ALL OUTDOORS activities. Make it limited.
  12. Have a "List To DO". GET AN ORGANIZER
  13. Make a life schedule.
  14. Learn how to cook at least once a week!
  15. Learn how to sew!
  16. Keep in touch with each of wonderful people.
  17. Be more loving and caring person
  18. Be more patience. NO MORE SCREAMING & LOUD VOICE.
  20. Spend not more than 2 hours on Facebook.
  21. Get a job that I really like and really want to do by October.
  22. Keep myself neat and presentable.
  23. Get to know myself!

I hope I can always keep all these in mind.. Insya Allah..yeah!!


I thought I will be different from all the women out there!
I've told myself not to spend on unnecessarily things..
But there you go again.
What is wrong with me this year?!
For more than half a year I've been spending like a hell.

Let me see here what did I get for myself this year..
* Shoes, Watch, Specs, Clothes, Pants, Tudung, Sewing Machine and now..a phone????


*You are not working and not earning any money yet!*

Huargghh!! Since when I become shopaholic ????
I thought and still remember that I hate shopping and spending soooo much!
But look at me now!

God! Help me please!
I have 24 pairs of shoes already and 4 full wardrobes!
No more please...


errrrr..... for the sewing machine? errm.. I thought I will be able to be more ladylike who can stay at home be creative as well as earn some money but then I end up become so lazy and my brain is dead, where and then I realize that I am more an outdoor person.

Therefore, with the money left, I went and bought a phone for myself own satisfaction i guess.. hehe

**STUPID GIRL!! YOU KNOW THAT IS TOO MUCH!! The money can be used for something else!! **

Indeed!! I am sssooooo sorry! I regret it! huhuhu

p/s : This is what happened when your iman in so lemah, godaan syaitan makin melampau - lampau!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 10'

It is not only about July..
I think throughout of 23 years of living until at this very moment..
I do feel great of myself..
And I am grateful! Alhamdulillah

People always say that life is suck..
To me, so what? That is your life. You, yourself choose what kind of life you live in.
My life is wonderful and colorful because of I'm grateful to have all the wonderful people around me.
I find a lot of people feel jealous with me.
Why should you feel jealous with me?
You shouldn't, you know.
I come from very broken family but yet their are people who I cannot live without.
I am not wealthy like some of you guys who can afford to have anything you like.
I am not healthy as most of you guys thought that I am.
I am not happy all the time as most of you guys seen.
I don't really have people all around me all the time.
That is why I teach myself not to be jealous wit

That is why most of you guys fall in to my illusionary.
To say it is fake? No it is not.
Because that is how wonderful my life is.

To me, whatever trouble and problem, that are what the crayon and water color of life.
Whatever the happiness and laugh, that are the color pencil and magic color of lfe.
And whatever the luck and miracle happen, that are the paint and Adobe Photoshop of life.
Therefore, use our own creativity to frame of picture of life.

Ok. That is very long of crap.
What I was about to say is, this July is the most memorable July in my life :)
and I'm flying high! yeah yeah!

p/s : Percentage of my iman is dropping down. Sigh!

Monday, July 5, 2010

After a while

Back at my own space!

My father asks me to start to write again..
He even gave a tip how to have a good writing.

Well, my brain is still not functioning..
Still need the screwdriver and hammer to fix it..

A lot of things are running around in my brain at the moment..
and it is messed up!
Really need make it organized.

Okay. Anime time..
Going to catch Luffy darling!

Adios. Taaraaa~